Why Us

Why Use EMT

Even though most ambulances look nearly the same, there ARE differences inside!  Some of the things that set us apart from some others providers are; our staff is the main reason why you use use us!

24-Hour Primary Response

Ambulances staffed by PARAMEDICS around the clock!

Cutting Edge Equipment

Our service incorporates the latest technology in patient care equipment. Highest level of service available by Ohio law! Our units are GPS (satellite tracked) by our state of the art CAD system. This drastically increases efficiency in dispatching the closest ambulance to you in seconds.

Licensed  Emergency Ambulances

Inspected and licensed by the State of Ohio on an ongoing basis.


To help with the high cost of healthcare, we offer pre-paid memberships which range in price from $10.00 per year to $25.00 per year and  cover your entire household!